Rumi, the 13th-century popular Sufi poet, still holds relevance, even in the 20th century.
Rumi’s quotes on love, life, soul, beauty, and more are among the internet’s favorite content.
Be it a college-going graduate or a philosopher, both of them can share a waahs and wows, admiring the words of Rumi.
But, here’s an interesting twist to the 13th-century poet’s work, Rumi’s poetry can give you the inspiration to work, build brands and also curate content for your company
So, let’s inspect 10 Rumi quotes that inspire us to think out of the box.
1. “Be with those who help your being.”
Rumi preaches to surround ourselves with people who help us grow.
Isn’t this true? Not just for humans but for all creatures of the universe. We flourish and bloom when we are cared for, nurtured and loved.
With kindness and a positive atmosphere, we can move mountains by just holding on to happiness and hope.
This should also be made the golden rule for companies too. Any entrepreneur building a workforce must work with people who help them grow.
On the contrary, you can also witness the negative effect if you work with people who don’t mean well to you.
In the Solomon Islands, people take down trees by just cursing them.
When people want a tree out of their way on Solomon Island, they don’t cut it. The people of the island just gather around the tree for 30 days and curse the tree.
The negative energy and the lack of affection puts the tree down naturally.
Taking from this story and Rumi, we should acknowledge the power of having positive people around.
Be with people who would celebrate and grow with you.
2. “It is your light that lights the world.”
If Rumi would have written this quote in 2022, this quote would be categorized under the genre of self-love.
Perhaps, readers need a poet in every era to remind them to not be so harsh on themselves.
We must remember that each of us is building the world’s present and future.
This quote reminds us about how we uniquely add to the world.
A living instance of this is how we as a united world fought COVID.
Each of us illuminates joy, love and passion around you, in your world.
3. “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
Be it in your life or career, follow your heart.
To do what you love is like visiting your favorite holiday destination every day.
If we fall in love with what we do, we look at work with passion, and the beauty of it will show.
Be it reading a book, traveling, or cracking a complex code, show your love for it and look at the ecstasy you will experience.
A fun fact about successful brands too is that they hold on to consistency. They work towards perfection every day, making it the secret of their success.
4. “The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind.”
Frame this quote on your wall.
If you are aspiring to build brands, be an entrepreneur or are an artist, print this up on a mug and place it by your office desk.
As humans, we set our own boundaries and limit our imagination.
Rumi reminds us of our own limitations, self reservations and barriers we build for ourselves.
Reminding us to look beyond our own minds.
Don’t you agree?
To challenge yourself, you can take it up as a regular activity to untrain your mind and set it free. Free to imagine, free to live and discover its own ways.
By challenging your thoughts, you can come up with amazing ideas for your work and creatively exercise your mind.
5. “Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.”
This is an ask to look out for fulfillment and holiness within oneself, an empowering declaration of independent living.
Rumi’s inspiring us to look at ourselves as a whole.
Serving for our own needs, independently, wholly and completely catering to ourselves as we are capable of doing so.
Learning from Rumi, everything you need from the universe, allow yourself to give it to yourself. Be it empathy, care, love, support or even motivation.
Inspire yourself to be a better version of yourself from yesterday.
6. “If all you can do is crawl, start crawling”
Taking inspiration from Rumi’s quote, let’s take that. To travel a long way, taking a small step every day is better than taking a strained jump at once.
As learners we should start doing as much as we can with how much we know, the rest will come along.
Begin. Do. Rather than wait.
If you are aspiring to own a business or start a new hobby, you should go ahead and start.
Rumi pushes you to pursue your dreams.
Be it building a brand or owning a business, it might just be the key to your future success.
Crawl, for now, you can hold a grip and start walking later.
7. “Don’t make yourself miserable with what is to come or not to come.”
So many books, movies, quotes and what not remind us to live in the present. But, Rumi said it best.
Stating the action and its hard-hitting consequences in a remarkable way, Rumi reminds us that we fail to live our present.
Engrossed in the ‘what ifs’, we cause our own misery for things that might or might not happen in the future.
Tame your mind to challenge your thoughts, to live in the present and let the worries of tomorrow fade away.
8. “Inside you is an artist you don’t know about.”
Just like Rumi inspired us to look with and unleash the barriers we draw for ourselves. He urges us to look within to find the artist that resides in us.
Some of us might be visual thinkers, creative thinkers, or even artistic mathematicians.
Be it the craftsmanship of words, color or numbers, each of us is capable of artistic skill.
Look out for your skill, work on your kind of art. Especially in the 20th century, brands help and promote talented artists.
So, if you feel you have an artist in you, you should go for it and explore your unexplored hidden talents. Because each of us is gifted with a uniqueness waiting to be discovered.
Exploring a new skill or talent might just surprise you with ultimate joy.
9. “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Cleverness is mere opinion. Bewilderment brings intuitive knowledge.”
Reading Rumi’s quotes fuels the fire in one’s life.
He inspires and motivates us to be excited, to feel, to passionately seek surprises.
In yet another inspiring quote he states that cleverness is an opinion while bewilderment brings knowledge.
Allowing you to be curious, wild and perplexed by wonder, you are open to experiences and lessons, isn’t that marvelously true?
Most times our smartness holds us back from re-discovering what it feels like to taste the first batch of seasonal fruit, just because we assume it will make us ill.
Perhaps if you are seeking inspiration, you can start by wandering with bewilderment.
10. “You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.”
Out of Rumi’s treasure box, this one is my personal favorite. This quote is an ode to the journey of success and struggles.
Those who keep moving forward with perseverance despite the difficulties uncover the best of what life has to offer.
Anyone working with a creative, advertising, or branding agency might connect with this the most, as branding experts work towards perfection and face struggles until they have a million-dollar idea.
To not repeat the same errors, you have to make them first.
So, it’s as true as it gets, you will break until life brings out the best of you.
Read More: What can Rumi teach a CEO
These top 10 Rumi quotes have inspired me to look at life, love, work and passion with a positive lens.
Rumi’s glass-half-full approach is an effective way to face situations in a practical yet hopeful manner.
In his words – “Lovely days don’t come to you, you walk to them.” – Rumi.