How to 10X your landing page’s trust signals in 2 hours?


Here are three interesting facts for you to mull over:

  1. The average conversion rate of landing pages is >9.7% across all industries.
  2. Landing pages that address buyer fears experience an 80% increase in conversion rates.
  3. 48% of top landing pages rank in organic search query results and Google Maps. 

However, if you miss one important factor in a landing page, you’ll never reap the above-mentioned benefits. What is it? Trust. 

If your customer doesn’t trust your landing page, they’re not pulling out their wallets. Thus, it is essential to increase the trust signals of your landing pages. That’s where this article will help. 

In the next five minutes, learn all about the 5 ways to 10x your landing page’s trust signals in 2 hours. By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll know how to create trust on a landing page.

This article will discuss:

  • Offering a consistent design across your landing page
  • Respecting customer privacy and asking for the bare minimum information
  • Showing certification logos to increase authenticity
  • Including customer testimonials 
  • Offering numbers to back up your claims

5 ways to 10x your landing page’s trust signals in 2 hours

1. Develop a consistent design throughout the landing page

Imagine this scenario. You clicked on a banner which had a professional and formal tone. However, when you landed on a landing page and destination site, the tone suddenly changed into a funny and quirky one. 

Felt a jolt in your trust? Your audience will too. 

That’s why developing a consistent design throughout the landing page is essential. Here’s how you can achieve the same:

  • Repeat the keywords and slogans on all components. The method helps keep the brand message consistent throughout the landing page. Furthermore, use the same tone in all places. 
  • Make sure the visual design, brand colors, and typography are consistent and combine well with each other.
  • Use similar CTAs across the landing page and other customer touchpoints. If one CTA says ‘Book a call at 10% off,’ the other shouldn’t say ‘Subscribe to the course for 15% off.’



2. Show that you respect customer privacy

Check out these three alarming facts:

  • >63% of internet users believe companies never state clearly how they use customer data. 
  • 48% of internet users have stopped buying from a company because of privacy concerns.
  • 33% of internet users have broken off all relationships with companies over how the companies use customer data. These companies include retailers, credit card providers, and even financial institutions and banks.

Thus, showing your customers you respect their privacy is paramount to increasing their trust. 

Here’s how to do the same:

  • Have a clear privacy policy in place. The feature makes your business appear credible, trustworthy, and transparent.  
  • Never ask for information that’s not significant to your product or service. Ask for too much information and your audience would start to become suspicious. 
  • Use privacy statements such as ‘We will never spam you’ and ‘We take customer privacy very seriously.’  

Read More: This is how you are losing money with your bad design

3. Show certification logos

An official industry body accredited your business. Showcase the logo on the landing page. The logo of the official industry body will work as a trust signal for your website landing pages.

Furthermore, if your business is affiliated with popular companies such as:

  • McAfee
  • TRUSTe
  • Verisign
  • Norton

Add their logos on your landing page to increase the trust signals of your landing page. 

These logos help:

  • Offer credibility and trust
  • Your audience feels more comfortable doing business with you as they know a trusted third party has checked the landing page and declared it to be secure
  • Lowers cart abandonment rate  

However, make sure the logos you add are well-known and relevant to your industry. 


4. Add customer testimonials

Imagine this scenario. Do you want to be the first one to jump into a lake? Enter a movie theater? Be the first one to speak at a meeting?

No, right? We love to do what others have done before us. That’s why your customers too want to see someone else has used your product or service and is happy about it. 

That’s why customer testimonials act as trust markers on the landing page.  

Here are the things to keep in mind when adding customer testimonials:

  • The best time to ask for customer testimonials is when the customer just had a good experience with your product or service. 
  • Never put up fake or made-up testimonials. Your audience is smart enough to spot the difference.
  • Video testimonials are one of the best landing page trust elements. If you can’t get a video testimonial, text ones with a clear picture of the customer work fine too.

5. Use numbers

Showcase the number of people who have:

  • Subscribed to your newsletter
  • Bought your ebook
  • Signed up for your course

The numbers work as proof that other people trust you enough to pull out their wallets for you. Thus, new visitors feel safe doing business with you.  

The technique shows the potential customers that:

  • The product or service you offer is valuable
  • You’re credible enough to gain the trust of these people
  • It’s safe to buy from you

Read More: 5 website design trends that you must keep an eye on

Ways to 10x your landing page’s trust signals in 2 hours – miss that and you’ll lose on customers and revenue

>14,000 U.S. consumers confirmed on the 2021 Edelman survey that the consumers considered trust as one of the top three factors influencing their purchasing decisions. The factor was ahead of even brand likeability.

Thus, if you’re not working on increasing your customer’s trust, you’re going to lose out on business. That’s why having better trust signals on your landing page is essential.   

Now that you know the 5 ways to 10x your landing page’s trust signals in 2 hours, the information will help you make the most of your landing pages. Guide your customers to the desired action with the mentioned tips. 

Happy growing!